植物解剖圖解 » 禾本科

圖片 中文名
中文科名 英文科名 部位
薏苡 薏苡 Adlay, Job's Tears Coix lacryma-jobi L. 禾本科 Gramineae 果實
蘭嶼肉豆蔻 Cagayan Nutmeg 蘭嶼肉豆蔻 Cagayan Nutmeg Myristica cagayanensis Merr. 肉豆蔻科 Myristicaceae 果實
蘭嶼肉豆蔻 Cagayan Nutmeg 蘭嶼肉豆蔻 Cagayan Nutmeg Myristica cagayanensis Merr. 肉豆蔻科 Myristicaceae 種子
蘭嶼胡桐 Lanyu Calophyllum,Bitanghol 蘭嶼胡桐 Lanyu Calophyllum,Bitanghol Calophyllum blancoi Planchon 獼猴桃科 Actinidiaceae 果實
通脫木(通草) Rice Paper-plant,Pith Paper-plant 通脫木(通草) Rice Paper-plant,Pith Paper-plant Tetrapanax papyriferus (Hook.) K. Koch 五加科 Araliaceae
針葉樹材三切面(微細構造模型-不具樹脂溝) three sections(microstructure of softwoodwood without resin canal) 針葉樹材三切面(微細構造模型-不具樹脂溝) three sections(microstructure of softwoodwood without resin canal)
針葉樹材三切面(微細構造模型-具樹脂溝) three sections(microstructure of softwoodwood with resin canal) 針葉樹材三切面(微細構造模型-具樹脂溝) three sections(microstructure of softwoodwood with resin canal)
針葉樹材三切面微細構造模型(不具樹脂溝) three sections(microstructure of softwood ) 針葉樹材三切面微細構造模型(不具樹脂溝) three sections(microstructure of softwood )
針葉樹材三切面微細構造模型(具樹脂溝) three sections(microstructure of softwood) 針葉樹材三切面微細構造模型(具樹脂溝) three sections(microstructure of softwood)
銀樺 Silver oak,silk oak 銀樺 Silver oak,silk oak Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. 山龍眼科 Proteaceae
闊葉樹材三切面微細構造模型 three sections(microstructure of hardwood) 闊葉樹材三切面微細構造模型 three sections(microstructure of hardwood)
闊葉樹材三切面微細構造模型 three sections(microstructure of hardwood) 闊葉樹材三切面微細構造模型 three sections(microstructure of hardwood)
闊葉樹材三切面微細構造模型 three sections(microstructure of hardwood) 闊葉樹材三切面微細構造模型 three sections(microstructure of hardwood)
闊葉樹材之半環孔材三切面(微細構造模型) three sections(microstructure of semiring porous wood) 闊葉樹材之半環孔材三切面(微細構造模型) three sections(microstructure of semiring porous wood)
闊葉樹材之散孔材三切面(微細構造模型) three sections(microstructure of diffuse wood) 闊葉樹材之散孔材三切面(微細構造模型) three sections(microstructure of diffuse wood)
闊葉樹材之散孔材三切面(微細構造模型) three sections(microstructure of diffuse wood) 闊葉樹材之散孔材三切面(微細構造模型) three sections(microstructure of diffuse wood)
闊葉樹材之環孔材三切面(微細構造模型) three sections(microstructure of ring porous wood) 闊葉樹材之環孔材三切面(微細構造模型) three sections(microstructure of ring porous wood)
黃玉蘭–托葉痕解說圖 Champac Michelia,Champa,Oulia Champ,Yellow Michelia 黃玉蘭--托葉痕解說圖 Champac Michelia,Champa,Oulia Champ,Yellow Michelia Michelia champaca L. 木蘭科 Magnoliaceae